New Product Alert! Aboriginal Tools Memory Matching Card Game

We are very excited to announce the imminent release of our new Aboriginal Tools Memory Matching Card Game! This product is a pack of 25 cards, which includes 24 picture cards (12 different Aboriginal tools featured in pairs) and an instruction card. The reverse side of all the cards features beautiful blue artwork by Mirii Designs.

The game is a beautiful way to introduce early learners to different Aboriginal tools in a fun and visual way. My kids love playing memory card games, and as a Mum, I love them playing them, for the following reasons:

  • They help improve concentration

  • They increase children’s attention to detail

  • They improve the ability of children to find similarities and differences in objects

  • They help children learn how to classify objects that are grouped by similar traits

  • They can increase vocabulary, particularly these ones which feature Aboriginal tools which children may not have learnt about or even heard of before.

  • They are super fun!

Available for pre-order now. Orders of product will be posted by 15 December.

Deborah Hoger