Back on Country

A very exciting new release coming up in November. Back on Country by Adam Goodes is the third book in the Welcome to Country series.

It is a joyful story about the power of reconnecting to family, culture and Country.

'Where are we going again?' asks Lucy.
'Back on Country,' says Mum. 'Where we're going is where your nanna comes from, where we come from. Our Country is special to us. You'll see.'

It's Lucy and David's first time back on Country. They meet their cousins and Elders, and see special places, learn local language words and hear stories as old as time.

This is an important new children’s book which will help teachers and parents alike share with children the importance of Country to First Nations people. Through our culture, we are intimately connected to the natural world; our ‘Country’ refers to everything - the lands, waters, skies, animals, plants and natural phenomena. It also goes beyond the physical and includes things the spiritual things that cannot be seen or touched.  Our Country forms the foundation for First Nations identity and sustainability. 

Teaching Notes and Activities are also available for this special book. Find them here.

Deborah Hoger