October is Indigenous Business Month...

Did you know October each year is Indigenous Business Month? It is a great time for First Nations business owners and their non-Indigenous allies, to celebrate the power of Indigenous business in driving positive economic growth in our communities.

This year the theme is ‘To Gather, Together’

Gathering is at the heart of building relationships. We gather to seek solace, to seek feedback, to find information and inspiration and to generate friendship and connection.

By gathering together, we challenge ourselves to broaden our minds, think anew, brainstorm solutions and act differently for better futures. It is in the spaces we create when we gather, that we connect and uplift one another in times of pressure and stress.

Strengthening our Indigenous business sector requires strong relationships at a local level, through gathering and exploring the crossovers between what’s happening in our businesses, in the community and in our personal lives. A rich tapestry of connections, information, ideas, and opportunities are woven each and every time we gather.

Ways you can support an Indigenous Business this (and every) month:

  1. Buy a product of service from them directly.

  2. If you like a brand, recommend it to family and friends.

  3. Tag the brand if you are posting about it online.

To learn more about the history of Indigenous Business Month, visit their website here.

For a detailed list of certified Indigenous suppliers, visit Supply Nation.

Deborah Hoger